1.an act of telephoning someone
1.Apple, for its part, heralded the iPad as "a magical and revolutionary device" on its Web site, and did not return a phone call for comment.
2.I had to phone call the CIBC man again. It sounded like he did not check the form or he had not mailed the form yet.
3.Follow up in a week or so with a phone call, inquiring about the position and the hiring status.
4.Alonzo Mourning Charities did not immediately respond to a phone call seeking comment from The Associated Press late Sunday.
5.If he did not fulfill his promise, even if it is just a phone call.
6.On the next day, I made a phone call to Hu Ming, asking him to help me collect the schoolbags scattered on the ground.
7.After thinking for a long time and I prayed for a much longer time, I made a very important phone call and I finally got to know my result.
8.I get the phone call when the child is going commit suicide, and I've got to do something right now.
9.After pleasantries, I spoke to friends of his small office: You wait a little while and for me to make a phone call.
10.No, he made the cell phone call to a land line -- specifically, to the land line of his chief competitor at Bell Labs.